Sunday, July 29, 2007

So Bad

I don't like viewing my weight loss journey as being good or bad. Like, I ate cake, I'm bad. Or I only had salad and some chicken, so I am good. But, I have no other way to describe how far away from being on program I am. I am bad. It has been a bad weekend. It was a bad week. My new office had a lot of celebrations this week. And we all know that in the workplace, celebrations are really just excuses to have more food.

On Monday, my boss brought muffins and croissants for my first day, and as a welcome treat for everyone to come by and eat and meet me. On Tuesday, there wasn't anything. On Wednesday, there was a potluck lunch for someone who was leaving. (it was italian themed, so Pasta pasta pasta - and BREAD) On Friday, we had a cake for the girl who was leaving. Carrot cake. And it was fabulous. But seriously, enough with the food.

On the good side, I haven't been inclined to visit a vending machine or pick up unnecessary snacks. At lunch I will go down to one of the cafes and get a diet coke (80 cents! in a cup! with ice!) And that's it. Although, on Thursday, I was hungry for a snack around 10 - so I headed down to the cafe, looking for something BAD. But I got a chef salad instead. it was super-cheap and REALLY good.

There has been no exercise, other than the walk (two blocks) back and forth to my car and sometimes out to lunch (just once. we went to chinese). I need to focus and get back to it. I want to keep losing. I want to get to my goal. I want to start hitting those benchmark goals again and see my clothes get looser.


Carrie said...

I think it is important for you to keep up your weight loss blog. Do you realize how many days went by? I think it keeps me in check.

I know you can do it. You have been a huge inspiration for me. Maybe this week will be easier for you.

The Ex said...

Good luck this week! You can totally do it!

Alyndabear said...

Hey gorgeous.

How is it going? xo